

Tuesday 17 December 2013


Here I will be sharing tips to help our skin!

1. Oily skin, acne/blackheads requires less scrubbing, visit your spa for steaming, masking, massaging, mild extraction at least 2x a month if you can afford it, thereafter follow your beauty regime with mild soap like acne soap and acne cream as your moisturizer.
Do not leave your face too dry after your visit to the spa or washing as our face may break out due to dryness and not getting

enough moisture!Take Oralight Clear complexion pills as it flushes from within, 2tabs once a day with meal!

2. We all love or enjoy popping our pimples don't we? oh no -always a mistake! never pop those balls, mask your face with Peel Off Mask, this will suck out the oil on your face, apply your Purifying and cleansing toner gently with a cotton disc/pad, never use cotton wool on your face, and whenever you give your face a nice warm wash, please dab your face gently with a slice of paper towel an discard immediately, never re-use!

3. The use of natural ingredients like original honey and fresh lime squeezed in a small spoon in quantity desire can be applied to your face 2x a week to reduce pimples from spreading all over!
massage on gently and leave on for 15 minutes before you wash off with warm water, grab your paper towel and dab gently, your face will be crispy and smooth, followed by your moisturizer, change your pillow case every week or 2 weeks for proper hygiene!

4. I always tell people before they start new products, body scrubbing is essential, you may either have it done at your spa or have a do @ home scrubbing! Rub on your Lightening Glycerine one hour before shower and wash off with warm water and scrub off with Exfoliating soap (Exfoliating whitening soap or Exclusive Advance exfoliating soap), see the results right in your bath tub, repeat the process every Saturday especially when preparing for that big event! *ps* Glycerine may not be applied on the face esp for people with acne prone skin. You may pamper your face with Shinto Clinical Wash Away the years, it has very little grains and subtle to the facial skin!

Monday 16 December 2013

Welcome Aliya Range of Products...

ALiYA nourishing toning body lotion with carrot oil leaves skin brighter and restores its natural glow. it is specially formulated to reduce the appearance of pigmented marks and fight signs of premature aging.

ALiYA cream (face only) is proven to help diminish the appearance of dark spots. it is formulated with carrot oil, a skin moisturizer that softens, smoothen and firms your skin, leaving you with a radiant even skin tone.

ALiYA lightening serum with carrot oil fights discoloration, dark spots and uneven skin tone.

ALiYA face and body bar soap gently cleanses and nourishes your skin. its exfoliating beads eliminate dry, dull skin to reveal a smooth and even complexion.